Solutions for geodesy

Our drone solutions can be used for rapid mapping and other surveys in surveying. Using 3D mapping or aerial LiDAR point clouds, workers in this sector can obtain detailed images of key significant areas while optimising resources and maintaining safety.

The drone solutions quickly collect accurate, geo-tagged data, while the photogrammetric software processes this data to provide standardised output.
Wojska obrony terytorialnej

Key benefits for geodesy

Cadastral geodesy

Increase the efficiency of data collection by rapidly creating reality models covering parcels and annexes using high accuracy drone solutions.

  • Fieldwork requires multiple teams to dedicate many hours of work, extending the project schedule and incurring higher costs.

  • It is difficult to visualise a property or a given plot of land using traditional survey results, such as vector maps.

Drones improve the quality of cadastral surveys

  • Generate maps at a scale of 1:500 without the use of GCPs, while meeting centimetre-level accuracy requirements.

  • Highly efficient data collection and processing up to 10 times faster, efficiently obtaining results and shortening the project cycle.

  • Obtain standardised output such as DOM, DSM, 3D reality models and more. Export data in geoTIFF, LAZ, GeoJSON, CSV and PDF formats.

Land cover and change of use

Real-time generation of 2D orthophotomosaics so that teams can visualise land cover immediately and identify any changes.

    • Satellite data is expensive and cannot be accessed on demand, and the resolution and accuracy of the data is poor.

    • Field work with total stations and hand-held RTK devices is slow and inefficient. Collecting useful data is difficult in remote locations or in areas with obstructions.

    Drones help manage land cover and land use change

    • Rapid visualisation of aerial survey results using real-time 2D orthophotos or generation of accurate, high-resolution maps in post-processing.

    • Significant cost reductions, using highly efficient drone and software solutions that automate data collection and processing.

    • Store digital records in a secure data cloud in conjunction with internal systems. The data can be easily used for regular coverage comparisons, so teams can dynamically monitor changes.

  • Topographical surveys

    Rapid mapping and modelling of large areas using drones to obtain data for accurate 2D and 3D models.

    • A large amount of fieldwork is required, involving multiple teams and stakeholders. Project costs are high and schedules are long.

    • Projects are often delayed due to inefficient data collection methods.

    • Contour data is not part of the standard documentation, which causes difficulties in visualising the data.

    Drones improve typographic data collection in road construction

    • Generate a map at a scale of 1:500 without the use of GCPs, while meeting centimetre-level accuracy requirements.

    • Highly efficient data collection and processing up to 10 times faster, efficiently obtaining results and shortening the project cycle.

    • Obtain standardised output such as DOM, DSM, 3D reality models and more. Export data in the following formats: geoTIFF, LAZ, GeoJSON, CSV and PDF.

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